Can I use the whole egg in white cake mis, just calls for whites??

Can I add cherries, & whole eggs??

  • Posted by: 49er
  • August 30, 2023


Lori T. August 31, 2023
Yes, you can add whole egg instead of just the whites to a boxed white cake mix. It will just not technically be a "white" cake anymore though- those yolks will give it a slight yellow tinge and slightly change the texture of the final cake. As far as adding cherries- that depends. The juice from canned, jarred, fresh or frozen cherries can over saturate your mix, and leave you with a wet stodgy end result. There are recipes for something called a cherry dump cake though, which use cherries in all those forms, and a cake mix to produce fairly yummy results. You can also add fresh halved cherries to a regular mixed box cake mix, after you lightly coat them with flour. They still might sink to the bottom somewhat, but you do end up with a nice cake otherwise. I've never tried using frozen cherries, so don't know what those would do- but I suspect it might leave you with a soggy mess on the bottom. If I were you, I would probably opt for the cherry dump cake recipe that called for cherries in the form you have, and would use whole eggs as well.
Nancy August 31, 2023
Another possibility - don't bake the cherries into the cake.

Rather, use them to make a frosting or a puree to serve with the cake.
Or some kind of compote to put between two layers.
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