Yeast, fermenting, beer & vinegar

My boyfriend brews beer. When he was at the brewing store he picked me up a mother of vinegar. The guy at the store mentioned that he would not recommend making beer and vinegar anywhere near each other, even in the same house made him nervous. Considering I pickle and make bread daily, now I'm very nervous about all the yeast and lacto-fermenting co-mingling in my kitchen. Does anyone have direct experience with this and can tell me it's ok? (or not)



bexcellent May 17, 2011
Thanks for your help! Well I'm not going to stop bread baking or find another home to do it in, but I will make sure that the cleaning lady comes and thoroughly cleans before we switch yeasts. When I heard that about the same house I was concerned yeast could become airborne. Good to know!
bexcellent May 17, 2011
Thanks for your help! Well I'm not going to stop bread baking or find another home to do it in, but I will make sure that the cleaning lady comes and thoroughly cleans before we switch yeasts. When I heard that about the same house I was concerned yeast could become airborne. Good to know!
spiffypaws May 7, 2011
I do. My boyfriend is a home brewer. He says that you should not bake w/ yeast or do anything w/ vinegar prior to the yeast being pitched and airlock being installed on the fermentor. He says that you shouldn't even consider baking bread until the fermentor (w/ airlock installed) has been moved a safe distance away. His fermentors are usually kept under or around our dining room table, which explains why I don't get to use my dining room table as often as I would like to!
SKK May 6, 2011
Family members make beer so I asked. The fear is in making vinegar, the vinegar spores will get into the beer, especially when taste testing the beer. That will give you even more vinegar.
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