Wish this had a preparation time

Wish this had a preparation time that included all the cooling and refrigeration times.

James K
  • Posted by: James K
  • June 12, 2024
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Sophia C. June 17, 2024
Hi James! We took a look at the recipe and it looks like the chilling times consist of:

25 mins chilling reserve cake batter while cake is baking in step 7
1 hour refrigerating entire cake in step 9
Total chilling time = 1 hour, 25 mins

Cooling times consist of:
Cool the cake completely (up to 2 hrs) in step 8
Cool cake for 10 mins in step 11
Total cooling time = 2 hrs, 10 mins

Along with prep time (about 20-25 mins), your total preparation time including chilling and cooling comes out to: 3 hrs, 55 mins- 4 hrs

We hope this helps! Happy baking!
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