A provincial daube menu for the fall- need ideas

Hello! I live in the PNW and will be hosting a dinner party on Nov 1. I want to make a provincial Daube-patricia wells beef daube to be exact. I plan to make it the day before so i can defat it and let the flavors meld. I am also making an apple and frangipane tart for dessert and need help with appetizers and wht else to serv w the daube—potatoes? Bread? Noodles? Salad??? Help! Thanks yall!



Nancy October 21, 2024
Appetizer...not needed for such a down-to-earth and hearty main. But if you want one - for the occasion, or to welcome guests as they arrive - consider tapenade (from the same region) on crackers or toast on an endive cup filled with some nice avocado or salad.

Side dishes - all the starchy dishes you suggest are good...choose what you like or what looks good in the markets.

Vegetables. Yes to salad if you did not serve is as an appetizer. Or any cooked dark green vegetable - beans, sprouts, swiss chard, etc.
Nancy October 21, 2024
Correction: “or an endive cup”
ovargas1 October 21, 2024
Thank you Nancy!
Nancy October 22, 2024
Glad to help 😊
Hope the dinner party goes well.
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