A question about a recipe: Peruvian Style Roast Chicken with Roasted Garlic

I have a question about step 10 on the recipe "Peruvian Style Roast Chicken with Roasted Garlic" from MrsWheelbarrow. It says:

"Remove the chicken from the oven/grill and put it on the stove, over high heat, and add thyme and 1/2 c chicken broth, then spoon the broth over the chicken. Allow the bird to rest for 10 minutes, then quarter and serve."

Why the high heat? To heat the broth? Then how long do you keep it on the heat before taking it off and allowing it to rest? Thanks.

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MrsWheelbarrow May 14, 2011
Thanks for pointing this out - add the broth, bring it to a boil (to loosen the tasty bits on the bottom of the pan), spoon it over the chicken, turn off the heat and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Hope that helps
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