Frittatta Pan Question

I need a new frittatta pan. Anyone have any experience with the double pans that William Sonoma and Sur La Table sell?

Lucia from Madison


student E. May 21, 2011
i use my well-seasoned cast iron pan, which works fabulously (no sticking!). like phyllis, i finish mine under the broiler instead of flipping. good luck!
Lucia F. May 21, 2011
Thank you for your help!
phyllis May 21, 2011
I use All Clad, sometimes non-stick; sometimes not. The pans have to be super clean and well buttered or oiled. If your pan isn't working for you anymore, which happens, I would buy a new, regular frying pan. It's versatile. I don't like having pans that are only good for one kind of food preparation.
Lucia F. May 21, 2011
That is how I make frittattas too. What brand of pan do you use. Mine last about 2 years and then the frittatta starts to stick and it becomes an annoying thing to make... I have the simple calphon now and it is not working out any more : (
phyllis May 21, 2011
No. I use regular frying pans and don't flip. I put the frittata in the oven, after starting it on the stovetop, and both sides cook evenly.
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