A question about a recipe: Baked Spaghetti with Mushrooms and Olives

I have a question about step 4 on the recipe "Baked Spaghetti with Mushrooms and Olives" from Smyog. It says:

"Stir until meat and mushrooms are cooked (about 7 minutes). Add the pasta sauce and olives."

Can we use soy protein (beef) in place of the hamburger...?

  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

susan G. July 27, 2011
If your soy protein is the kind of crumbles that are ready to use, you can use them with a shorter cooking time. If you have some kind of TVP (dry) it would need to be soaked first, or you will need to add a little water to the sauce, then cook for a short time before adding the sauce. You will also have less fat from the soy, so you could add a little more oil, according to your taste and judgement.
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