"Fromage frais" - I have a Jane Grigson recipe that calls for it. What is the equivalent in US markets? Thank you! ;o)

In other words, what do I ask for at the cheesemonger? ;o)



Kat A. May 12, 2018
Old post I know but I’ve found the us brand of petit filous. It’s called Danonino and it’s called “ dairy snack” here
Amanda H. July 30, 2011
Apologies for the spam -- we're working on tracking down the person, so we can egg his/her house.
amysarah July 30, 2011
I'd say Greek yogurt or sour cream too, although it's consistency is somewhere between that and cream cheese. Maybe a blend of the two?

However - I've bought it at Whole Foods before, though they may not all carry it. Also, my local cheese shop always has it (the owner is very French - a General in the French Legion du Fromage, or whatever that organization is that rules cheese in France) - so you might find the real thing. Pricey, but worth the splurge. (Btw, it's also called Petit Suisse, in case you see that.)
Esther P. July 30, 2011
I live I the uk too- are you heating the fromage frais? If so, I'd go for sour cream too, as it'll be less likely to split, otherwise a thick Greek yoghurt would do the job...
kitcat72 July 30, 2011
I live in the UK, in my opinion Fromage Frais is more like quark rather than cream cheese. Its kind of like a thick unsweetened yoghurt [as previously stated] or low fat sour cream.
Greenstuff July 29, 2011
Cowgirl Creamery makes fromage blanc, but it's not the same as fromage frais. Low fat cream cheese is the closest approximation.
Ophelia July 29, 2011
If you're using equal parts cottage cheese and yoghurt you'll want to throw it in the blender or food processor before you use it to get a creamy texture. Greek style yoghurt works too.
Sam1148 July 29, 2011
Queso fresco the mexican cheese. Or low fat yogurt drained overnight in cheese cloth to a cream cheese consistency. Or ask for formage blanc. Bascially a low fat cream cheese type product.
inpatskitchen July 29, 2011
I have read that quark or yogurt cheese is a good substitute...also equal parts cottage cheese and yogurt, depending on your recipe.
MrsKeller July 29, 2011
You don't need to talk to the cheesemonger. Low fat cream cheese is a very close substitution.
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