Breakfast! Three months ago I bought a Blackjack fig tree for my new home and it's already putting out some nice fruits. I've been plucking them to serve in the morning alongside strips of prosciutto and some cheese. I'm trying to decide on a good, if not best cheese pairing. Right now I'm thinking about Humbolt Fog, or a locally made sheeps' milk cheese that is semi-firm, or possibly imported Idiazabal. I do have access to quality cheeses, just contemplating the right match.

  • Posted by: pierino
  • October 14, 2010


mrslarkin October 14, 2010
I recently tried Pierre Robert. It's an older Brillat Savarin, and tastes rich and creamy, like buttah. I'd love to try it with figs and prosciutto, maybe spread on some beautifully toasted bruschetta.
TiggyBee October 14, 2010
What about a Pouligny St. Pierre or Bucheron? I think they would pair really well with prosciutto and figs.
pierino October 14, 2010
Thanks, but I think blue cheeses are a little too strong at breakfast. I already have some valdeon on hand and that's way too strong. Preparation would simply be slice the figs and portion each plate with thin slices of prosciutto or jamon and then a cheese. Strong coffee (optional). I just wanted to brainstorm with the community and I do have a purveyor of fine cheeses nearby. I'm willing to admit that there's a match I might have overlooked.
Amanda H. October 14, 2010
Just came across this farm -- looks like their cheeses could be a good fit if you're up for doing mail order.
aargersi October 14, 2010
Are you opposed to Blue Breakfast? Cambazola (probably misspelled) - blue brie - yummmmm with figs! jealous of your tree ...
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