What to do with a very large bunch of scallions?
I had a square foot of scallions left in my garden that were starting to bolt, so I just decided to pull them. I figured I would give them away but then I remembered this handy Foodpickle feature and thought I might give it a try. So, does anyone have suggestions or ideas for what to do with a very, very large bunch of scallions? Thanks!
I love ALL these ideas...I'm sensing a Your Best Scallions contest theme here!!!!!! Let's shall add this to the list along with Your Best Recipe Inspired by a Song. :)
A whole steamed fish with scallions and ginger is surprisingly easy and really delicious. A big one is a great way to feed a lot of people. (Pretty much any white fish.) I do it 'by heart' but there are lots of recipes on the internet if you search 'Chinese Whole Steamed Fish...'
Any kind of stir fry, or Asian noodle dish; I like lots of thinly sliced ones in Sesame Noodles - they lighten it up, keep it from being cloying.
Also - chopped and mixed in some good cream cheese. On a toasted bagel, with or without lox. Heaven.
Another thing you can make is scallion ginger sauce (finely chopped scallion, grated ginger, salt and a light oil). It's a great dipping sauce for poached chicken and the like.
Boneless, skinless chicken breast. Slice them in strips.
Line them up and layer in scallions between the strips.
Use two skewers to secure them like this: =[|][|][|][|]=
Glaze them with a teriyaki sauce and grill or broil.