A question about a recipe: First Night in Florence Spaghetti....

I have a question about the ingredient "Good olive oil, and lots of it" on the recipe "First Night in Florence Spaghetti...." from boulangere. ? good olive oil is there a distinct name or kind I should adhere to ?

nice rice


boulangere August 21, 2011
DueSpaghetti says it beautifully. These days you should have plenty from which to choose in any decent store. Buon apetito.
DueSpaghetti August 21, 2011
As the recipe's author, we certainly defer to Boulangere's response to your question. However, our definition of a good olive oil is one that is extra-virgin, cold-pressed, and made from olives all of Italian origin. If you read the labels carefully, you should find one or more that meet this criteria. Good luck!
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