Are there really tasty gluten-free beer brands that are fairly easy to find?

  • Posted by: lilgal
  • September 1, 2011

7 Comments September 2, 2011
There are a number of gluten free beers available and I am sure you can find one that you like. Check out, the Gluten Free Beer Association has a number of gluten free beer reviews which might help you decide. Bard's is the number 2 most sold GFree beer in the US behind Redbridge. Good luck in your gluten free beer search.
susan G. September 1, 2011
In Vegetarian Times magazine, October 2011 issue, page 67, are "Readers' Choice" picks for GF beers. The names aren't familiar to me so I assume they are more regional/local than national. Redbridge is brewed by Budweiser, easily available, and pleases us.
lilgal September 1, 2011
Thanks, all! Syronai, the nogluten website is awesome!
beyondcelery September 1, 2011
Bard's is my favorite for widely available gluten-free beer. I think Redbridge tastes a bit odd, even for gluten-free beer. You can also now get Estrella Damm Daura Gluten-Free Beer:

Daura is excellent--best I've had. I'm extremely sensitive to gluten and I haven't had any problem drinking one or two occasionally. Their process for removing the gluten protein must really work.

Also, if you're anywhere near Portland, Deschutes Brewery has recently started carrying a gluten-free beer. They don't have it in bottles yet, so you can only get it on tap in their brewery. But it's incredibly delicious.

Keep in mind that hard cider is naturally gluten-free. There are some really good ones out there--many that are so dry they're nearly like champagne. I've even had a hopped apple cider from a local seller here in Seattle that was awesome. Even if you aren't near Portland, Bushwhacker Cider's website has an incredible list to check out:
JessicaBakes September 1, 2011
redbridge at whole foods. it's always there and it actually tastes good! i wouldn't really recommend any other widely produced brands...
wssmom September 1, 2011
I have not yet had a gluten-free beer that was worthwhile drinking, but now I will have to sample Bard's ... thanks for posting.
rachelib September 1, 2011
Here's a recommendation for Bard's: Not sure about availability.
Recommended by Food52