Weird question about anchovies & peanut butter.
I love anchovies. Lately when I've been eating them I've been detecting a flavor that is uncannily reminiscent of peanut butter. Any ideas why that might be?
amysarahSeptember 2, 2011
linzarella, I don't know if PB itself has umami, but I do know it goes well with umami flavors - like soy/fish sauce with peanuts in Asian dishes.
(Maybe this is just your body telling you it's craving Thai food. I kid.)
(Maybe this is just your body telling you it's craving Thai food. I kid.)
linzarellaSeptember 2, 2011
Ok, I just checked, and the brand is actually Bellini. But anyway, I think amysarah is on to something with the strong umami flavors thing. Maybe that's what I'm tasting and just translating it as peanut butter.
amysarahSeptember 1, 2011
Are these PB-flavored anchovies all from the same jar (i.e., not just same brand)?
If so, try one from another can/jar and see if it still happens...I have no idea why one particular jar would have this trans-flavor thing, but at least then you'd know if it was just some freak thing or you were doomed to a life of anchovy confusion.
Btw, the affinity between anchovy and pb doesn't surprise me - anchovies, soy sauce and fish sauce are all strong umami flavors - and classic components of Asian peanut sauces. (So go ahead and have that PB&A sandwich ;)
If so, try one from another can/jar and see if it still happens...I have no idea why one particular jar would have this trans-flavor thing, but at least then you'd know if it was just some freak thing or you were doomed to a life of anchovy confusion.
Btw, the affinity between anchovy and pb doesn't surprise me - anchovies, soy sauce and fish sauce are all strong umami flavors - and classic components of Asian peanut sauces. (So go ahead and have that PB&A sandwich ;)
Summer O.September 1, 2011
My tin of King Oscars is open. I've had 3 and I am not getting any peanut butter aroma or taste. But I do love anchovies, thank you for the suggestion!
linzarellaSeptember 1, 2011
When I tried to google an answer, the pb&anchovy sandwich was all that I found. Apparently these flavors do have an affinity...
creamteaSeptember 1, 2011
When I first started to read this, I thought you were going to say something about a peanut-butter and anchovy sandwich....
Don't be afraid to try new things, my mother used to say. : P
Don't be afraid to try new things, my mother used to say. : P
linzarellaSeptember 1, 2011
Thanks! I can't wait to hear the results. I'm pretty sure they were either Ortiz or Crown Prince, oil-packed and in a jar, not a can.
Summer O.September 1, 2011
Is it a certain brand? If so, which brand? I am willing to go home and crack a can of them in the name of research this evening and let you know if I taste it too.
drbabsSeptember 1, 2011
Are you pregnant? I ask this because pregnancy hormones can affect your sense of smell and taste.
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