Roux for Mac n Cheese
How is it possible to obtain a creamy smooth consistency in a mac and cheese. I'm looking to achieve more of a moist, wet, creamy consistency with my cheese/bechamel sauce. In the past it usually comes out rather dry when I gratine` it in my oven. I want to achieve "Velveeta" like consistency using a much better quality cheese.
This recipe has received raves, so I guess it works. There are a couple of keys. First the equal quantities of butter/flour that I use are by weight not by volume. Second do indeed use whole milk. Atually for this I usually use raw milk, but that's a choice not a necessity. Undercooking the pasta is important too. Over saucing is critical, as amysarah says, because the undercooked pasta does absorb liquid.
Also remember that all your ingredients are already cooked when you put it into the oven. You just need to bake until the top is brown and crisp. Over baking will also contribute to dryness.