Can't wait to try this! A question about the brining: On the video it is shown just once and Ms Virginia mentions a few minutes, although the...

... recipe specifies to do it twice. Would twice for 5 minutes each be the ideal, or longer? Thanks

la greca
  • Posted by: la greca
  • September 14, 2011
Warm Summer Shrimp Salad
Recipe question for: Warm Summer Shrimp Salad


la G. September 15, 2011
Great! Thanks for the enlightenment on a new technique.

Your breakfast is a thing of beauty, for sure.
virginia W. September 14, 2011
Hey there la greca - I did say a few minutes in the video and it does state 2x in the recipe. Either will work equally well. I wrote the recipe to salt and rinse 2x so as not too allow the shrimp to become too salty. If you do salt and let it rest and brine, make sure to only do it a few minutes - literally 2 minutes. I hope you like the recipe!
Bon Appetit, Y'all! Best VA

PS attached is a photo of a shrimp I caught off the GA coast. I ate it sashimi style for breakfast!
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