What ingredients/dressing to add to room temp salad of blanched kale and roasted turnip?

Michael Hoffman


AntoniaJames October 23, 2010
Bevi, now that sounds really, and I mean *really* really good. ;o)
Bevi October 23, 2010
How about an olive oil/balsamic vinegar/maple syrup/country mustard dressing?
iuzzini October 23, 2010
AntoniaJames- I had no idea about the Zante raisins! I love Food52. :)
AntoniaJames October 22, 2010
Outstanding suggestion, pierino. I like askann's idea, too. Michael, are you using real currants, or those little imposter Zante raisins? A true currant is nice and tart, and just lovely when plumped with sherry vinegar. ;o)
pierino October 22, 2010
A bit of prepared or grated horseradish in that sherry vinaigrette couldn't hurt with the kale.
Michael H. October 22, 2010
I'm soaking some currants in sherry vinegar right now. Nuts sound great, but the rest of the meal is so rich that I think I'll leave them out. Thanks for all the suggestions, guys!
askann October 22, 2010
I'm going a different direction: crushed garlic, sesame oil, sesame seeds, scallions. Maybe some grated ginger.
iuzzini October 22, 2010
raisins or currants and toasted pignolis (pine nuts) if you have them :)
AntoniaJames October 22, 2010
Pecans! Or some other nut. + Some roasted carrots, cut into little chunks. You need more contrast in color and texture. The sweetness of the carrots will be a nice counterpoint to the somewhat spicy notes in the turnips. Sounds good!! ;o)
Michael H. October 22, 2010
@nutcakes Done. I agree. Just a sherry vinaigrette? Any other ingredients?
nutcakes October 22, 2010
If you have sherry vinegar, I think that would be great to use in viniagrette. It just screams out to me.
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