Can any type of squash blossoms be used in most recipes?

They usually ask for zucchini blossoms but my pumpkin plants are still loaded with blossoms. And does it make a difference if they are male or female blossoms? Thanks.

Pat E. in SLO
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wssmom September 24, 2011
Pumpkin blossoms are yummy! Most of the ones for sale at farmer's markets are male blossoms. According to, female pumpkin flowers sit at the end of a pumpkin. Even when the pumpkin itself is immature, you can typically see it forming just behind the petals of the pumpkin flower. A male pumpkin flower, on the other hand, working hard as a pollinator flower, has a long stem and no it growing on or within the stem. If you are harvesting male pumpkin flowers from your garden, do be sure to leave some on your plants so that they can do their jobs as pollinators.
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