How long do caramelized onions hold in the fridge? I make extra to keep on hand, when preparing them for a recipe. Thanks! ;o)

I make them with sweet onions, butter, olive oil and salt. That's all. Thank you. ;o)



Lambs' E. November 2, 2011
I've frozen caramelized onions and reheated them very successfully. You can make a huge pile of them in the slow cooker and then freeze in smaller amounts. I reheat them in the frypan to just finish off the caramelization beautifully.
Panfusine November 1, 2011
I made some the previous evening for my party, for arielleclementines polenta cakes & they were fine, although they reduce so much in amount.. that 3 + cups of fresh onion yields less than a cup of finished product..Make sure you have plenty of onions around!
vvvanessa November 1, 2011
i freeze them. i do that thing where i plop little mounds of onions on a tray and freeze it. then i can load up the little blocks of caramelized onions into a bag or storage container and just take a little at a time. depending on what i make, i just put the onions in the dish to reheat/cook or i defrost them in the microwave.
susan G. November 1, 2011
I think there would be enough variables, especially moisture levels, that an answer could not be generalized. Maybe using the oven would give the best results for storage, because of the even cooking. Perhaps some alcohol, maybe sherry, would suppress the possibility of bacterial growth. And then there's the storage container -- glass would give better results, I think. Freezer sounds most foolproof.
healthierkitchen November 1, 2011
I wonder how they'd freeze?
Anitalectric November 1, 2011
I have a quart of darkly caramelized onions that I did in the oven that's been in the fridge for two weeks. They are still delicious and handy to have around for sweetening up savory recipes. But I use olive oil, not butter. So not sure if yours would hold up as long.
dymnyno October 30, 2011
I do too. Recently I used some that had been in my fridge for 5 days and no one died.
dymnyno October 30, 2011
I do too. Recently I used some that had been in my fridge for 5 days and no one died.
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