Gateway timeout

When I try to go to My Recipes page, I after several minutes I get a page saying Gateway Timeout. Anyone else having problems?



Bevi November 7, 2011
I am still having problems. I comment or reply and at times my responses don't "take". The site is still very slow. Is there an update on When we will receive replies and notifications? Thanks!
susan G. November 7, 2011
I had the problem when you did but now 5+ hours later it's back to "normal enough." Thanks to the website cops.
boulangere November 7, 2011
serious thanks!
boulangere November 7, 2011
I was just recently able to load My Recipes page. Thanks very much Alex and kfir52. Response time is still very slow, though.
sdebrango November 7, 2011
Yes, still having problems very very slow too!
alexlutz November 7, 2011
We were having some problems but we believe they are resolved. I hope you'll find that this is the case.
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