I dropped 3 eggs on the kitchen floor and I can't get rid of the yolk reek...anyone have any ideas for me? It's a hard wood floor, so I can't use bleach....



background July 18, 2020
put warm water on the yolk it will make a mess but it will remove the sticky ness
TiggyBee November 4, 2010
Thanks all for the great suggestions, I really appreciate it!! Yolk is tough, but finally with a combination of your suggestions, it's gone.
Sadassa_Ulna November 4, 2010
I would not use acetone or steam on a wood floor; acetone could really affect the finish and steam could cause the wood to expand in an undesirable way. Do you think some egg seeped into the grooves between the boards? You could try sweeping/pressing baking soda into the grooves and then vacuuming? My husband swears by febreze, but egg is tough. Good luck!
pierino November 4, 2010
Per Mr_Vittles, vinegar can be a secret weapon for all kinds of clean up. But I'll have to try Murphy's if I ever break a pasta well.
Bevi November 4, 2010
Trader Joe's lemon soap in a dispenser takes the smell out of anything!
Mr_Vittles November 4, 2010
Spray the area with a solution of white vinegar and water probably 1 tsp to every cup.
aargersi November 4, 2010
Can you steam? We got a steam cleaner for our tile, maybe it would work on wood too - I LOVE it. Eureka Enviro steamer
mrslarkin November 4, 2010
To get rid of the eggy funk, cold soapy water always works for me.
innoabrd November 4, 2010
careful with acetone, it can soften the finish on your floor...
Alysia November 4, 2010
murpheys oil soap works really well, it has a very clean smell and makes hard wood floors shine. But otherwise you could use a nail polish remover that has acetone in it, acetone quickly removes any organics, just make sure to rinse with water after.
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