Uses for Elderflower Liqueur

The current issue of Bon Appetit has what looks like a delicious recipe for oranges and cranberries with elderflower liqueur. I went out and bought a bottle of the liqueur for $40 but since the recipe calls for only 3 Tbs, I'll have a lot left over. There are mostly drink recipes for the liqueur on the sites I've visited. Anyone have any yummy food recipes that make use of elderflower liqueur?



DP November 18, 2011
I have not made this but it looks pretty delicious:
Federico_ November 18, 2011
Yes, I saw this one on the site....I'll definitely try it. And thanks Esther, Ophelia, and Francesca for your suggestions.
Federico_ November 18, 2011
Yes, I saw this one on the site....I'll definitely try it. And thanks Esther, Ophelia, and Francesca for your suggestions.
mrslarkin November 18, 2011
Try it in a custard or pudding.

here's a yummy-sounding recipe:
Esther P. November 18, 2011
I agree with Ophelia, and would suggest adding a splash if you were cooking some fruit for anything, or you could possibly try soaking dried fruits in it before adding them into a recipe? You could try a food pairing site or book for ideas on what else you could add it to.
Ophelia November 18, 2011
Most of what you're going to find are drink recipes (some sort of ginger ale, tequila and elderflower drink sounds like it might be nice).
It would be good over fresh berries, or in a compote. I have a thought that it might be interesting added to sugar cookies or shortbread, but you may have issues with excessive moisture.
Maybe use some in a pie crust instead of vodka... I'm imagining a lightly floral crust for a very delicately flavored custard pie. Or add it to a sorbet? It might be nice poured over a little vanilla ice cream or added to a caramel sauce.
francesca G. November 18, 2011
One of my favorite cocktails involves adding a dash of Elderflower Liqueur to a flute of champagne or prosecco. Think Kir but floral -- so delicious. Not that this will help you work your way through an entire bottle!
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