Need ideas for non-turkey meat for Friday after thanksgiving, please? To go with leftover mash potato and green beans.



shemanufactures November 22, 2011
Braised ham - ham butt in a le creuset, add water to cover about halfway up, and cook at 275 for 5-8 hours.
Extremely easy, falling apart (not the most attractive) delicious ham. You could probably do this in a slow cooker as long as the lid seal is fairly good.
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 22, 2011
How about some steak?
amysarah November 22, 2011
Mashed potatoes and green beans are pretty versatile - almost any roast or braised meat (pork, beef, lamb) or the aforementioned meatloaf would work.

The only thing I'd avoid is another roast bird - chicken, duck, goose...after a major roast turkey, some variety is a good idea.
dahliat November 22, 2011
Pork chops would be good too. Or burgers sans buns.
drbabs November 22, 2011
Meat loaf? There are a bunch of great recipes on this site.
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