Turkey Thighs/Legs
What temperature and for how long would be the best for roasting these? I did the Judy Bird dry brine......
bigpanDecember 4, 2011
Yes, use a thermometer. Bake skin up and use some chicken broth (low salt) to baste as you will not get as much drippings as with a whole bird. If the meat is done and skin not crispy enough put under broiler for a few watchful minutes. You can cook anywhere between 275 and 325 - just watch the thermometer.
aargersiDecember 4, 2011
325 until done :-) Kidding - we "Judy Birded" 18 legs and the smoked them for T-Day - I think you will need to use a thermometer and check them - they should be 165 degrees and my guess would be an hour to an hour and a half depending on your oven.
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