Beef Strogonoff w/ Celery, Jerusalem Artichoke, and Lovage
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8 Reviews
April 26, 2013
This is such an intriguing recipe! I love Beef Stroganoff and your recipe is a very interesting spin, but most of all I am so glad that you are not only using but also growing one of my favorite herbs – Lovage (Leustean Frunze) in Romanian. Since we came to America, I was looking for this herb and always ask somebody who was coming or going for a visit to our country, to bring me dried Lovage. It really has a unique flavor and a special aroma and is a secret to the most delicious Romanian soups. Now Mindy, I would love to be your neighbor and have fresh lovage whenever I need it.
LeBec F.
April 27, 2013
I feel so foolish now; it never occurred to me that it might dry well! if mine comes back this year, I would be happy to send you some dried.just let me know.
April 27, 2013
Thanks a million Mindy! A few months ago I found dried Lovage on Amazon and will be fine for some time. Thanks anyway; I'll be glad to know that your lovage came back.
gastronomic N.
May 17, 2012
This is such a great unusual recipe! i've never eaten lovage actually. What can you compare it too?
LeBec F.
April 21, 2013
sorry i missed your query. to me, lovage tastes like a very pungent celery leaf w/ spicy and herbal overtones. very distinct.
LeBec F.
March 12, 2012
gee thx y'all! i hope my lovage comes back this spring; its flavor makes such a difference in this dish! it is perennial here in z.5, new england, btw.
LeBec F.
March 30, 2012
yay; I have Lovage! It actually survived this (mildest of winters ever) in pots on top of the ground (sent its roots right down through the drainage holes)! I'm psyched!
March 12, 2012
In addition to the flavors, what I adore about this recipe is how simple it is! Nice work!
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