Instagram of the Week

Put a Filter on It: Memorial Day

May 23, 2014

It's no secret -- we love a good 'gram. Here, we'll be posting our favorite Instagrams from the food world, on a different theme each week. Today, we're putting winter behind us.

Remember the polar vortex? Remember the ice-coated sidewalks? Remember one snowstorm after another? Remember layers of fleece and flannel and wool?

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Yeah, neither do we! Now that Memorial Day is right around the corner, we're putting all of our winter memories in storage and thinking ahead to watermelonade, to beach days, to ice cream sandwiches, and to barbecues.

Get some vegetables on the grill like acozykitchen did, then chill some beers, and celebrate the start of summer. But before you change into your bathing suit, take a picture and share it with us. 

We want your 'grams! Follow us, then Instagram your Memorial Day foods with #F52grams -- we'll repost our favorites.

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I used to work at Food52. I'm probably the person who picked all of the cookie dough out of the cookie dough ice cream.