What to Do With Garlic Scapes—Plus, Our Favorite Recipes That Use This Curly Plant
Make sure that you save some for sautéeing, deep-frying, topping pizzas, and more.
Photo by Alexandra Stafford
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September 4, 2022
I just made garlic scape flower butter. It is so good, daughter put it on toasted bread with a bit of cheese delish.
patricia G.
June 23, 2021
Micro-planed a couple of scapes tonight and swirled them loosely into a plate of hummus. Charred halved young carrots for dipping.
June 22, 2021
I add them to my fried rice. Tonight I sauteed some with summer squash, tomatoes and green onions with some jarred pesto and pasta. Tomorrow I'm gonna throw some in some eggs for a breakfast sandwich.
June 21, 2021
I like to chop up the scapes, saute them in a little olive oil, crack a couple of eggs on them, and sprinkle a little grated cheese on top. Cover and cook at a low heat until ready and call it breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
patricia G.
June 20, 2021
Trim scape ends to the point at which they're tender (like asparagus) oil them up and throw them on the barbie. A hot grill so you quickly get some nice char. Sprinkle with salt.Squeeze of lemon if you like.Hold them by the onion-top-end to eat. You don't eat that end so it makes a convenient handle. An aioli to dip the scapes into can't hurt. Or a ranch or green-goddess kind of dressing made with tender pieces of scape.
April 15, 2015
Looking for tips as to where to find them? I lived in Spain and these were part of one of my favorite dishes...they even sell them in the frozen food aisle there. Never been able to find them in the U.S., even at farmers markets.
Alexandra S.
April 16, 2015
I would suggest asking a farmer at your local farmers' market when they will be arriving. Last summer there was a period when every farmstand table I visited seem to have bundles of scapes for sale. It was a short window, as I remember, but once they arrived, they were everywhere!
July 26, 2014
One thing I did with scapes this year that was very tasty was to grill them and incorporate them into a charred tomato salsa.
July 25, 2014
Thanks for all of the great suggestions for garlic scapes! I've been receiving a huge bag of them each week from my CSA, and I'd started running out of ideas! Can't wait to try these.
Sarah J.
July 25, 2014
I was lucky enough to take home an extra bunch of garlic scapes the other week; not only did the scapes attract a lot of attention and conversation on the subway to the tune of "What are those?!," but I also made a great pesto (that I'm still adding to everything I eat, from shakshuka to scrambled eggs) thanks to Kenzi's recipe ( Now, I am on a mission to get my hands on another set of scapes this weekend so that I can make that aioli! Thanks for the great suggestions and beautiful photographs.
Alexandra S.
July 25, 2014
Haha, I know, at every farmers' market table I visited, the basket of scapes received a lot of attention. I am going to have to try that pesto! I am loving the scapes in my scrambled eggs — scape pesto in eggs sounds amazing.
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