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October 14, 2014
I still believe in manners, the next time you go out to eat watch the people, it's sad how know one knows uses table manners anymore. I get looks all the time from people as I place my napkin in my lap lol. I found a great cookbook one day, it was from 1946, it had everything you needed to know about hosting a dinner party. it even covered ironing the linen napkins and table cloth. So when I saw this article I was glad that there are people who still have manners or at least learn how to set a table.
October 1, 2014
The hostess/host have obligations too. Never serve sauce or gravy (as shown above), or a salad dressing, without a serving dish beneath it. Ideally the plate should be big enough to hold a serving spoon or ladle so that guests don't have to use their own dinnerware to spoon it.
Kristi S.
October 1, 2014
My son is a leftie-- do I teach him to cut his food with his knife in his left hand or right hand? I'm assuming most right handers hold their knife in their right hand for better control-- I would assume it'd be true for a left hander too, but I can't remember ever seeing one cutting their food a particular way.
Hollis M.
October 1, 2014
Hi Kristi! I'm actually a leftie as well, as are both of my parents -- I was still taught to hold my knife in my right hand, but it did take a bit more practice! I guess it's up to you, although most lefties I know use their right hands to cut.
Stephanie L.
October 1, 2014
If someone asks for the salt -- if they are on the table -- pass the salt and pepper together.
If the dinner is family style and someone requests the dish that is near you, refrain from dishing out a serving to yourself before passing.
Don't reapply your lipstick at the table; go the bathroom for that.
If the dinner is family style and someone requests the dish that is near you, refrain from dishing out a serving to yourself before passing.
Don't reapply your lipstick at the table; go the bathroom for that.
October 1, 2014
No elbows on the table, chew with your mouth closed, and certainly don't speak with food in your mouth. Also, an infraction I notice a lot these days: make sure to pass the [dish, bread, butter, etc] if it's in front of you and hasn't gone around the table yet. Keep things moving around if you're handed something.
October 2, 2014
I don't enforce the no elbows on the table rule. After living in Europe for 6+ years, I've found that most people put their elbows on the table, and it shows your host that you are comfortable with them and are engaged in the conversation. Then again, this might also have something to do with the fact that dinners on this side of the pond often last quite long, 5+ hours, so there are long stretches of time when you're not eating but simply engaging in conversation and sipping wine.
October 1, 2014
No elbows on the table!! In France, hands should be kept above the table at all times.... no wandering hands under the table!
October 1, 2014
I believe the elbows question should be addressed: are elbows ever allowed on the table? Should any part of the arm ever rest on the table? In the US, it's polite to keep your non-eating arm in your lap, but I have heard that other cultures find it rude.
October 1, 2014
In the UK, a knife is held like a pen but the end is in the palm of your hand (not poking out between your thumb and forefinger). A fork is always held with the tines facing down, this includes eating peas. To indicate that you are resting your utensils, you place your fork between 7 & 8 on a clock face, your knife between 4 & 5. To indicate that you have finished eating, both knife and fork are placed at 6. It is only acceptable to eat certain foods with your fingers, such as asparagus and globe artichokes, not chips. Napkins are never 'tucked-in'.
October 2, 2014
In this article, I believe chips refers to the American chips (crisps), not the English chips (fries). However, most people in the States eat chips/fried with their hands as well :)
Hollis M.
October 1, 2014
I should also probably note that my mom was a huge inspiration for this -- mothers always know best!
Yael E.
October 1, 2014
Related but not exactly: When i was 18 my friend taught me a trick for setting the table. All things with even numbers of letters in the word go on the Left (left has an even number of letters). Here go your fork/napkin for example. Things on the Right have an odd number (just as the word "right" does) here go your glass/knife/spoon/cup. My settings are never more complicated than this. But I guess "breadplate" is 10 letters so goes on the left :)
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