
Editor's Picks -- Week 14

September 24, 2009

Well, it was a record-breaking week for recipe submissions here at food52! We had 77 submissions for Your Best Brunch Eggs, and 51 for Your Best Way to Cook Greens. Needless to say, we did a lot of cooking this week, and we came across a lot of great recipes.

In the egg department, there were some frittatas, stratas and tortillas with really interesting additions (chorizo, crabmeat, spaghetti) and even two recipes that called for making your own bread!

As for the greens, we had two kale chip submissions (a great technique if you've never tried it), several pasta dishes (one of which we chose as a finalist), and even a salad where you "massage" kale in order to tenderize it.

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  • lastnightsdinner
  • Merrill Stubbs
    Merrill Stubbs
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


lastnightsdinner September 24, 2009
So many great dishes - I don't envy you at all for having to choose your finalists!
Merrill S. September 25, 2009
It is really tough!