Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker

Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker
Choose your holiday adventure! Our Automagic Menu Maker is here to help.
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Isabelle S.
February 17, 2016
Olivia, LOVE Utz potato chips, too! My parents grew up in MD and we lived there for a while before moving around. But anytime we go back to see my grandparents, we always ask them to buy them! :) SOOOO goooodd!!!
February 16, 2016
When my great-gram was alive, I would request 'New York Special' for my birthday, which I later found out was actually a pan of Nanaimo bars. No one in my family know why she called it NY Special, or why she took 3 days to make it - a layer a day, but she only made it for specific people, on birthdays, upon request. Obvs, I was the favorite.
February 12, 2016
Every trip back to my home state of Connecticut requires a lobster roll (CT-style please, dressed in melted butter, not mayo), fried whole clams, and fried dough (which seems to be a Northeast specialty. I get blank stares when I ask for it in Cali).
February 12, 2016
What's the mousse-y, brownie looking thingy on the cover image? Can I request that (or at least a link to that)?
Caroline L.
February 12, 2016
it's this ice cream cake! (and it's very, very good.)
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