Deviled Egg Salad on Toast Is the Best of *All* Worlds
Easier to make and travels better, too.
Photo by Rocky Luten
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January 8, 2021
I like to chop capers and green or purple onions very fine. But can't go wrong with mayo mustard salt and pepper. Dill pickles too.
June 15, 2019
I LOVE Deviled Eggs, but hubby is not a fan, so unless I'm making them for a crowd, I've always made myself a variation of a "Deviled Egg Salad". It's easier than fiddly Deviled Eggs, & much easier to make & enjoy for just one or two portions. I just simmer up anywhere from 2-4 eggs, peel 'em, dice 'em up, & add any/all the ingredients I'd normally add to Deviled Eggs. Serve it on a bed of lettuce, open-face on toast, or as a regular sandwich. Since I'm also an anchovy fan, will often top the salad with a few good oil-packed filets, or sometimes some rolled anchovies with capers in the center, or sometimes some smoked salmon, if I have some around.
One thing I'll agree with others here - absolutely NO SUGAR. Ugh. (But of course that's personal preference talking - if you enjoy sugar in egg salad, have at it - lol!)
One thing I'll agree with others here - absolutely NO SUGAR. Ugh. (But of course that's personal preference talking - if you enjoy sugar in egg salad, have at it - lol!)
June 14, 2019
I love to add briny things to my egg salad, like a little bit of capers and some finely diced green olives. Leigh down below suggested dark rye toast, and I couldn't agree more!
Umbare K.
May 19, 2019
Why on Earth do you put any sugar let alone a full teaspoon into the super savoriness of devilled eggs? And yes, I think there's almost no savoury dish that needs sugar despite the fact that professional chefs now routinely put sugar into almost everything.
Denise W.
June 14, 2019
Well... sugar actually heightens the flavor of the savory ingredients. It’s yin and yang!!
Umbare K.
June 14, 2019
I beg to differ. Sugar is totally unnecessary. It is an established fact that the western world's obesity crisis is down to excessive sugar consumption a situation engineered by sugar pushers by lying about and demonising fats as the cause. So many manufactured foods now contain so much sugar that they are inedible. Processed foods are killing us and sugar is the culprit. People are addicted to the stuff and need help to go cold turkey, not to be continually delivered the same lies again and again.
April 27, 2019
My mom always made them with one ingredient only - thousand island dressing. Still my favorite. Easy too!
April 27, 2019
Instead of salt, pepper, cayenne, paprika, celery salt or seed, just use Old Bay! It contains all of those components and adds that special zip to egg salad, deviled eggs, chicken salad, potato salad, plus color. Give it a try!
January 6, 2021
Me too! Don't add extra salt. Old Bay has enough, Guldens mustard, horseradish, mayo maybe cut with some yogurt or sour cream. Sprinkle with some paprika or smoked paprika. Old Bay in potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw.
April 25, 2019
I like to add curry powder to the yolk mixture when I make deviled eggs.
Another great option is to top traditional deviled eggs with a few capers for an extra something.
Another great option is to top traditional deviled eggs with a few capers for an extra something.
April 19, 2019
Your recipe is mostly how I make deviled eggs with the exception of no sugar and no cayenne. I do like chopped pimento stuffed olives and finely chopped red onion as well.
Lizzie G.
April 19, 2019
I make carbonara deviled eggs every Easter. It's a recipe I thought I came up with myself but then realized other people know it too ;) The crispy pancetta and salty pecorino go so well with the fatty yolk and tons of black pepper. I sometimes stray away and test out other fun combo's but my family loves the carbonara the most!
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