What Are Your Favorite Cookbooks of All Time?
We're on the hunt for the books that have totally changed the way you cook.
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September 13, 2020
How can I get in on this fun? It looks like it was announced in February but I just saw it for the first time today. I get at least one email from Food52 every day, but never have seen it mentioned. What am I doing wrong?
Terry H.
September 14, 2020
The emails are just for sales. I wish there was one for the community activities. I know this is in progress, but I don’t how to follow it: this thread seems to be abandoned.
Pamela T.
September 11, 2020
I think this sounds really interesting but it is really hard to find. I would sign up to test books but I cant find out what the next category of books will be, let alone how to sign up. Why isn't the Big Communjty Bake Off under one of you categories, like Genius Recipes, so it can be found?
July 7, 2020
Oh, here it is. It's interesting that this didn't take off at a time when many people were spending more time at home and taking on more challenging cooking projects. I wonder if asking unpaid people to create your content according to a bunch of requirements was maybe not the best way to re-engage a community that was losing interest in your project. You're asking people to spend a month: cooking 15 dishes, taking notes on the experience, coordinating with two other people, reading through the introductions of 5 cookbooks, writing a review of the winning cookbook which also seems to include reviews of your experiences with the other four cookbooks. This could have been something fun for cooking enthusiasts to participate in. You turned it into labor.
July 7, 2020
I'm a pretty ambitious home cook, but just reading through your instructions above for VOLUNTEER reviewers stresses me out.
Joy L.
March 28, 2020
Does this project continue? -Acadiana Table -Talk About Good (+ T.A.G.II) (all Cajun). Plus Anything on Mushrooms (including wild)!! -Mediterranean Flavors - Rose Water & Orange Blossoms...Lebanese by Maureen Abood -2nd annual New England Cook-Off Cookbook (yes, from 1988, but I refer it to often. Now, where/how do I get the Rules/Guidelines?
Cynthia G.
March 14, 2020
I'd like to hear about regional /ethnic cookbooks from your own area. Is there a category for that? My Vidalia/Asparagus cookbook shall never be pulled from my hands!
Cynthia G.
March 14, 2020
Mom recipes. Probably can't use now because of ingredients such as real cream! But for sides try a Parm,cream, onion casserole. Bake. The family still asks for this one 1996 ....
March 14, 2020
I live in the Midwest. A wonderful cookbook about the food traditions of this area is Savoring the Seasons of the Northern Heartland. A wonderful read and a wonderful cookbook.
Terry H.
March 3, 2020
The Art of Simple Food and An Everlasting Meal topped my list. For fun I added Sugar Rush. (How can we be sure our submission was received?)
March 1, 2020
It’s nothing revolutionary, but I love Sunday Suppers by Melanie Barnard and Brooke Djony. Excellent classic takes on food everyone will like. Like a much older version of Ina Garten’s books, without the extremely expensive ingredients. I also have a full collection of Sunset cookbooks, which I would try to save in a fire. None are less than ten years old, and the pics can be amusing (did we really wear that?) but the recipes are still wonderful. Julia Child’s French Chef cookbook (the one to accompany the show) and her show taught me to cook. I’ve learned a lot watching Jacques Pepin. Rachel Ray was wonderful on teaching time management. I really do have a couple of her earliest books. I don’t cook much from them but I often check a recipe against them to see what I can simplify.
Megan V.
February 22, 2020
About 10 years ago, I was gifted the series of four Nordstrom cookbooks. There are two in the series that are dog eared and splattered and used regularly here at my home. Entertaining at Home and Friends and Family. Nothing is crazy complicated and everything in them is delicious and straightforward.
February 22, 2020
Dakshin by Chandra Padmanabhan, & Grains, greens and grated coconuts by Ammini Ramachandran. Between these two books, I get to cover all my nostalgic flavors that my grandmother and mom used to cook up. Although I don't need any Cookbook for my daily chores, there are recipes in these books that evoke that certain 'Je ne Sais quoi' factor.
February 20, 2020
Haven’t read the categories yet but love the idea. Please select reviewers for any one cookbook geographically, it would be great to get the reviewers together to try the recipes and debate. Maybe some photos. Fair point about what does the best cookbook recipes or pictures, stories and tips or tricks? The reviewers should have some fun with that. Count me in.
February 20, 2020
None of my favorite cookbooks fit these categories. Where would you put Jerusalem (best cookbook of all time), or Burma: Rivers of Flavor? Joy of Cooking? Super Awesome Chinese Food? None of these amazing cookbooks focus on one ingredient or meal.
February 20, 2020
Idl, I agree that the limitations could be problematic. ("Jerusalem" is one of my all-time favorites, too!) Did you see though that there is a place on the form for suggesting new categories? It says, "Any additional categories that you'd like to nominate cookbooks for?"
(I'm not quite sure how logistically those will be implemented, however.) For the Burma or Chinese book, perhaps a new category could be "Books that focus on / explore a single culture (or related cultures), or one country." ;o)
(I'm not quite sure how logistically those will be implemented, however.) For the Burma or Chinese book, perhaps a new category could be "Books that focus on / explore a single culture (or related cultures), or one country." ;o)
February 20, 2020
Gee! Such a mixture of tones, goals and directions! For example, best seems to include books that instruct both in basic and in tricky, almost professional standards. !!!??? Higly detailed directions but/and requirement to have fun. Shades of a sergeant major or school matron. Monthly contests by type of cookbook. But no outline of or how the overall best will be selected after monthly contests...oh well...
February 21, 2020
Not a bad idea for a website clearly struggling for meaningful content in their new role as a "lifestyle" website, but it seems like a lot of trouble, and anyway my candidates would mostly be 40 years old and probably out of print. My local newspaper (back when food sections were more than restaurant ads) used to have a deal where a reader received a review copy of a new book in exchange for submitting a review (general review plus a review of one recipe). Kind of interesting, though it tended to tell you more about the reviewer than the book.
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