Put down those long grocery lists. Inspired by the award-winning column, our Big Little Recipes cookbook is minimalism at its best: few ingredients, tons of flavor.
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October 9, 2022
How? By having the manufacturers and chickens do your measuring for you. Of course you have to go out and find containers of jam and peanut butter the right size, which might be a bit more trouble than measuring.
February 25, 2021
How so I store these? They are just right to our taste - not too sweet. We used a purple berry jam that a friend made for us, so they are dark but delicious. Right now I have them in a tupperware container on the counter. Do I need to refrigerate?
February 23, 2021
I used a silicone baking sheet and they were fine. I never baked because of all the measuring involved not to mention sugar is bad for you so I thought they were good and using jam was super easy and healthier.
Nancy F.
February 23, 2021
The bottoms burned but less time would not have cooked them through. I threw them all out.
March 10, 2022
You could try 325 instead of 350, or as Janet said moving your rack up. The cookies also could have been too thick.
February 18, 2021
Delicious! A brilliant recipe! I edited (of course as my husband says) used Trader Joe's Sunflower Seed Spread and TJ's Organic Strawberry Fruit Spread (no added sugar - they use white grape juice concentrate). So easy and as you said wonderful soft, chewy texture. Thank you for your creativity and for sharing!
February 16, 2021
Hi, can you add chocolate chips? Is there a good way to make this a chocolatey cookie?
Emma L.
February 17, 2021
I haven't tried chocolate chips! But sounds sooo good—I'd use finely chopped chocolate or smaller chocolate chips. If you give it a go, let me know how they turn out!
February 27, 2021
I made it! I added white chocolate chips and used crunchy peanut butter. It was delicious! I wish I had added some salt, it would have added another dimension.
February 16, 2021
These are wonderful protein snacks prior to a workout. What do think the calorie content is
February 16, 2021
Wait a minute- there are some situations where weight is superior to volume, a whole lot where it's not, but grams are not more accurate than ounces. Many scale makers choose, for whatever reason, to use smaller gradations in their gram measurements, but that's purely a manufacturing choice. In theory (and in scientific use) grams measure mass rather than weight, but unless you're using a balance scale they don't in the kitchen.
Marcie(Marcia M.
February 16, 2021
Sound really delish! Would almond butter work, as well, and if so—would seedless raspberry or strawberry jam work?
Emma L.
February 16, 2021
Hi Marcie! Yes, almond butter would work. And while raspberry or strawberry jam wouldn't negatively affect the cookies' texture, you would notice the flavor and color much more than apricot or peach (which serve as a more subtle backdrop to the nut butter).
Marcie(Marcia M.
October 9, 2022
Thanks SO much for your time and input, Emma. Will bear all in mind. Well worth waiting for!!
Enjoy the holiday season! Be well & stay safe.
Enjoy the holiday season! Be well & stay safe.
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