Photo by Quentin Bacon

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Linda M.
March 17, 2023
Technically the chicken is spatchcocked (in the photo) and not butterflied…may not make a big difference to many but it will if you are asking the butcher to do it for you.
March 9, 2023
I recently found this recipe, absolutely love it. It does work with chicken breasts, that is what I had on hand. I just used a sheet pan or roasting pan with plenty of room. I added a bag of brussels sprouts from Trader Joe's, it works for me. Highly recommend. My coworkers keep asking what the amazing smell is when I take leftovers to work.
March 9, 2023
Some Whole Foods markets sell butterflied Bell and Evan chicken in vacuum seal package
March 8, 2023
How would I adjust this recipe with a larger chicken? My husband bought home an 8lb bird.
March 10, 2023
Going by gut feeling here as I have not made this intriguing recipe yet. First thought is you may need a larger pan than a 12" cast iron skillet so I would make sure you have a pan, maybe a shallow roasting pan, prior to starting. As for adjusting the recipe.... I think you could use the amounts of spices listed, or maybe increase by 50%. I wouldn't double. Maybe a full extra lemon and a large onion. Extra wine. This will take longer to cook than what is written. Do you have an instant-read thermometer? Enjoy!!!
March 7, 2023
I enjoyed this but i do wonder what percentage of Americans buy a chicken from a butcher nowadays, as opposed to a large grocery where there is no one who will butterfly it for you.
Mike E.
March 7, 2023
I butterfly my own. Not difficult once you get the hang of it with a sharp pair of kitchen shears. And oddly satisfying!
March 7, 2023
Me too! Piece of cake. They charge so much to do something we are tptally capable of.
March 17, 2023
Our Trader Joe's now offers both 1/2 chickens marinated in buttermilk (super moist!) and spatchcocked whole chickens in vacuum packs. We've tried both and they are great for when you're in a hurry. I have the sheers but haven't gotten up the gumption to try butterflying my own yet...
March 17, 2023
Takes all of a minute to butterfly and you have the backbone for a lovely stock.
October 21, 2023
If you’re buying the chicken at Whole Foods, at the meat counter, and they will spatchcock the chicken for you and give you the back to take home and use in chicken stock. And they won’t charge you for doing it. Actually they’ll cut the whole chicken up for you if you want.
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