Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker

Food52's Automagic Holiday Menu Maker
Choose your holiday adventure! Our Automagic Menu Maker is here to help.
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Kim L.
February 24, 2017
I have just made this chocolate sauce (in main to pour over a chocolate courgette cake) ... with double cream, butter and several different single origin chocolate bars I was given for Valentines ... it's perfect!
December 28, 2013
My favorite hot fudge was the one at Edy's in Berkeley. It came in a little pitcher and you poured it on yourself and when it touched the cold ice cream it became thicker and almost chewy--How can I make a sauce that does that?
February 14, 2014
gmak4, you should post this question to the Hotline. I'd like to know, too! ;o)
Leyanne T.
December 24, 2013
I was always under the impression that you shouldn't stir the chocolate too much while it melts as it tends to make it go grainy.
December 16, 2013
Something I have always wondered about is whether chocolate as a medium is good for composite creations such as a simple chocolate sauce that are to be served to or eaten by somebody with untrained palate. I am afraid that the subtleties of individual varieties will get lost and always choose to enjoy higher end chocolate in the form that it comes from the chocolatier. Are there any wise words of advice that you could give, which won't rob chocolate of its essence by the necessary simplification of the matter. Thank you :).
December 21, 2013
Well, you may feel it robs the chocolate of its nuances, but melting it with a little cream certainly leaves the essence intact. I would say, if you enjoy it, it's good. I don't think there's a "correct" way to eat chocolate, other than one that tastes good. What better way to celebrate a good chocolate than with labors of love by skilled hands in a warm home kitchen?
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