help, I need to tone down some chipotle/pineapple sauce, I think it is way too hot for my guests

  • Posted by: peach49
  • February 5, 2012


babytiger February 5, 2012
Sweetness helps tone down heat. Add some sugar.
thirdchild February 5, 2012
Adding some kind of starch can also help. Prepare a little pouch of cheescloth with a couple tablespoons of flour. Tie up the cheesecloth and swirl it around in the heated sauce. One could also add rice or beans which can tone it down, although that solution would be better in a stew sort of dish, rather than pineapple-chipotle. Good luck!
Mr_Vittles February 5, 2012
Please add some kind of fat if possible (i.e. sour cream, greek yogurt), if not possible, add more pineapple. Also, extra milk standing by would not hurt.
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