How do you make chicken fried rice?



pauljoseph November 17, 2010
Chicken Fried Rice
Ingredients :
Basmati Rice (3/4 cooked) - 3 cup
Veg.Oil - 2 tbs
Cooked chicken meat flake - 1 cup
Carrot ( cut into small pieces) - ½ tbs
Egg - 1
Spring Onion (greens & the onions) - ¼ cup+¼ cup
Baby Corn ( cut fine ) - 3 tbs
Celery slices 3 tbs
Pepper Powder 1 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp

Method of Preparation:
Clean the rice, wash and soak in water . Drain well. Cook the rice 3/4 , with little bit of salt and water. Keep it aside.
Pour oil into a large pan and add the egg into it, when the oil gets hot stir and you get a scrambled egg. Now add the Chicken,carrot, baby corn, celery and the spring onion, (not the greens). Add the pepper powder too. Keep stirring. Do not overcook the vegetables, once it is tender, toss in the 3/4 cooked rice. Now add 1/2 cup of the spring onion greens. Keep stirring. Add salt to taste.
For Garnishing :
Add the balance 1/2 cup of spring onion greens.
nutcakes November 17, 2010
beat a couple of eggs with 2 Tbsp water, scramble them in a frying pan breaking them up into bits, remove from pan and set aside. If your chicken is raw, take it off the bone and chop so you have 3/4 cup. Sear the chicken in a large hot frying pan with a little oil until just barely done. Remove from pan and set aside. Very finely chop carrots and celery, put this in the frying pan and stir until softened, 5 minutes. Add chopped green onions and minced ginger and garlic. Stir for one minute. Add more oil, then a couple of cups of cooked cold rice and stir up over high heat, let sizzle. Add back the chicken, optional chopped water chestnuts, optional peas, optional diced green bean and any other vegetable you like. Bean sprouts are good too. Drizzle with a little soy sauce. A mix of soy sauce, oyster sauce and a little chicken stock is even better.
grantacus November 17, 2010
Hello, I have just wrote a recipe for Chicken Fried Rice, here is the link
I hope it helps
Chiman November 17, 2010
You can use any part of a chicken. Put the chicken in boiling water to cook. Take the chicken out to cool when cooked. Tear the chicken into stripes and put aside. Heat up a wok or a frying pan with some oil. Crack two eggs(more if you love eggs). Keep stiring the eggs like you are making scrambled eggs. Now put in some boiled rice.(left over rice from the night before is the best) Now put the chicken in the wok, chopped spring onions is optional. Add a little soy sauce and white pepper to taste. Chicken fried rice done!
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