Cleaning Ovens
Maybe I'm just lazy or grossed out by that caustic oven cleaner stuff, but cleaning my oven is one of those things I put off until I have so much grease and carbonized foodstuffs caked on that I'm afraid the stove will go up in flames with my next pizza! Does anybody have any good techniques/tips for cleaning ovens without using harsh chemicals or scrubbing while on hands and knees until my knuckles are rubbed raw?
3 tsp Borax
1/4 cup vinegar
1/8 cup liquid dish soap
2 cups hot water
Baking soda (do not add to mix)
Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and shake to mix.
Spray mixture generously to cover surface completely.
Sprinkle generous amounts of baking soda on top.
Spray liquid mixture over the baking soda.
Leave overnight.
The next morning wipe out the cleaning mixture and wash the surface with hot soapy water.
My recommendation is to degrease first with some hot soapy water and a scrubbing sponge. Use Dawn dish detergent. It's the best degreaser I've ever encountered and no, I don't work for the company in any way. This step is to just degrease as much as you can. Apply the hot soapy water, leave it for about 15 minutes. Use a scraper to chip away any carbonized foodstuff that you can. Then wipe and scrub as much as you can. Then wipe down with a clean wet sponge. Wipe away and discard debris.
Next step, make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the oven and leave it overnight. Starting with bigger 'cruddy' spots, try to scrape it away with plastic scraper. Then take a wet sponge and wipe away the baking soda paste.
It's a messy process and you still have to get on your hands and knees, but it doesn't use harsh, smelly chemicals and you won't need to scrub your knuckles raw. Obviously, wear a pair of good kitchen gloves when doing all this. It will save you from the raw knuckles and chapped skin.