A question about a recipe: Crunchy Celery, Radishes and Turnips Salad-Slaw in Blue Cheese Sauce
I have a question about the ingredient "• 5 spring onions, white and green parts thinly sliced" on the recipe "Crunchy Celery, Radishes and Turnips Salad-Slaw in Blue Cheese Sauce" from Kukla. Do you mean scallions?
Recipe question for:
Crunchy Celery, Radish and Turnip Salad-Slaw in Blue Cheese Sauce
KuklaJuly 14, 2012
I am sorry Randy for not answering your question right a way, I did not check the recipe for a few days. Nozlee gave you a perfect answer and in the video Amanda and Merrill made the salad with scallions. The green onions I used were very young and did not have large bulbs yet.
RandiJuly 12, 2012
Got it; it's just a matter of volume. I'm so glad I did *not* put 5 of my golf-ball sized "spring onions" in the salad. 1 created enough thin slices, 5 would have overwhelmed this masterpiece of a salad.
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