Yum! This sounds wonderful. Making this very soon--one question, what do you all think about incorporating some eggplant? Sacrilege? Or savory? I...

...f so, where/how would you do this? There are two very lonely little eggplants in my fridge that need a home before they get bitter(er)

yeast lady


yeast L. November 14, 2012
Many thanks! We'll see how it goes.
Kristen M. November 14, 2012
Interesting idea -- I don't think it would be bad, just a little non-traditional. Unless you think they're likely to be bitter, in which case you might be sad you tainted the bourguignon with them. I would sear them at the beginning along with the mushrooms and onions.

This sauce is my favorite use for eggplant to date, by the way: http://food52.com/recipes/18519_yotam_ottolenghis_sweet_corn_polenta_with_eggplant_sauce
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