Making a butternut squash & chestnut purée. I need an element of crunch. What should I use?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


amysarah December 23, 2012
Crispy shallots also complement those types of purees well - just slice a bunch of shallots thin and saute them in oil/butter until very brown and crispy, and drain on paper towel. They keep well in the fridge, so you can do them ahead too.
Maedl December 23, 2012
Chestnuts are such a delicate flavor, so perhaps almonds? Or chopped roasted chestnuts?
ATG117 December 23, 2012
hazelnuts might work nicely too.
QueenSashy December 22, 2012
How about some shaved parmesan, crisped in the oven. Wait, even better, aged gauda...
Lindsay-Jean H. December 22, 2012
How about chopped toasted walnuts? Or one of AntoniaJames' nut recipes on the site? Like this one:
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