What shall I make from stale Italian Christmas Cake? Bread Pud?

Oh wow! I just found one of those Italian Christmas cakes in the back of the cupboard, I think it's called panatoni?

It tastes good, but the texture is really stale. What shall I make with it?

I was thinking of a boiled bread pudding (like the one I usually make - http://wholewheatfsm.blogspot.ca/2012/12/recipe-for-maple-bread-pudding.html ) but the cake is so much sweeter than regular bread.

Got some other ideas?



sdebrango March 2, 2013
Here is what I do every year with that bread, it's delicious http://food52.com/recipes/15950-pandoro-bread-pudding-with-chocolate-and-orange
Kitchen B. March 2, 2013
I loveeee Panettone. Make Bread pudding. French toast. And see nigellissima panettone pudding (http://www.google.com.ng/#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=nigellissima+panettone+pudding&oq=nigellisima%2C+panetonne&gs_l=hp.1.2.0i13l4.38.4774.0.7579.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.d2k&fp=a8518055adaf9fb7&biw=1439&bih=802) for more ideas. Lucky you!!!
ZombieCupcake March 2, 2013
Parfait, tiramisu, could even put them in the oven dry them out even further and use them like croutons for icecream.
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