I accidentally added one cup of dry red wine to my French onion soup instead of only 1/2 a cup. Will my soup be ruined?
dymnynoJune 12, 2013
If you used good wine it should be no problem. In fact probably better!
pierinoJune 12, 2013
Another thought on onion soup; I don't use wine but I will sometimes add a jigger of cognac.
amysarahJune 12, 2013
Cognac definitely adds something. I typically use white wine in onion soup, and - if I have some around - will also add a bit of Madiera or sherry (even Marsala) - there's something about that rich flavor that really compliments the caramelized onions, especially with the gruyere on top.
pierinoJune 12, 2013
I like the gruyere also but I don't use that big thick gloppy slab. What I prefer is to grate the gruyere over the croutons, lined up on a sheet pan and then I hit that with a blow torch. No blow torch? The broiler works. Then float them on top of each portion.
bigpanJune 12, 2013
No body knows but you . As long as it tastes okay; serve it. Might want to add a bit more stock if it is too winey.
JanetFLJune 12, 2013
A girl after my own heart! One can never have too much wine!
amysarahJune 11, 2013
Ok...1 cup of wine should be fine. No worries. At most, maybe add 1/2 to 1 cup of broth or water.
DanielleOJune 11, 2013
Thank you so much! I did add a cup after I a overpoured the wine which is why it's now at 7 cups of broth. It was originally 6.
pierinoJune 11, 2013
I agree with amysarah. Should be no problem. I'd worry more about your onions which need to cook down for about 45 minutes under your watchful eye. Too much wine? Not a problem.
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