Beef Ribs

I am a pork rib girl, but have been gifted some grass fed, happy running beef ribs from our relation's farm. I have several go to recipes for boneless short ribs and korean style ribs, but have never actually cooked plain old beef ribs. This is for tonight so I have no intention of smoking them or doing anything super labor intensive, but I could bake/grill them if that seems like a good idea.

Favorite recipe?



dymnyno August 14, 2013
I usually precook in the oven and then finish with a fabulous sauce on the grill. The meat gets a caramelized crust ant that tastes wonderful.
QueenSashy August 14, 2013
See, I am a cow girl, ha ha ha. Give them another try with a loooooooooooooong sloooooooooow cook, and let's revisit the topic :)
sexyLAMBCHOPx August 15, 2013
me too QS!
savorthis August 14, 2013
Well because of timing and not being able to cook those suckers for hours I settled on a version similar to this: I did a dry rub involving some thai blend I found in my pantry, then broiled them in the oven. I then put a mixture of mango juice (which I just bought for some breakfast quinoa), water, soy and fish sauce in the pressure cooker and cooked them about 20 minutes (I think 25 would have been better). I then reduced the sauce and was surprised at how unsweet it was so I added a bit of fig jam and balsamic vinegar and doused the ribs a few times while broiling until bubbly and crispy. I have no doubt this method was nowhere near as good as a lengthy slow cook, but the flavor was great and as I had little time it worked well. I would definitely like to try them again slow and low. Can't say I'm a convert though...pork is king.

pierino August 14, 2013
And long may pig reign!
WileyP August 13, 2013
I know this is a little late, but...
Dust 'em with a good southwestern rub and let them fester in the 'fridge for a couple hours. Then slow cook them (250-300°) for 2 1/2 to 3 hours or so. Slather a little barbecue sauce on 'em and finish them on a hot grill, then pass more sauce at the table.
pierino August 13, 2013
I'll go bi-polar here and say that you ought to stick to your Korean instinct or go Argentine. I'm hoping you are using real wood either way. Bank up your coals for indirect heat and adapt to either method. The problem with grass fed beef (and I live in a county that thrives on it) is that there is little marbeling and weak connective tissue---which for Korean can be a problem. I did sous chef stint where the head chef didn't see that one coming. For Argentine it could be as simple as a side of chimichurri.
QueenSashy August 13, 2013
I love this recipe:
savorthis August 13, 2013
That does sound good but these are back ribs so is not as much meat on them as short ribs. I wonder if this method would work....I was leaning toward a braise or similar based off my memory of eating really chewy back ribs in the past.
usuba D. August 13, 2013
When visiting friends in Uruguay, they always have beef ribs on the grill (parrilla) that they simply cook very long & slow with a little salt & pepper . . wonderful! Their beef is also 100% grass fed.
savorthis August 13, 2013
I wish I had time for that- it does sound good!
aargersi August 13, 2013
Do you happen to have a watermelon? I did this to pork ribs recently but I think it would work just as well with beef.
savorthis August 13, 2013
I do not happen to have a watermelon and, in fact, I am noticing I do not have tamarind either....for shame! That sounds awesome though. We have family in town this week so I might try that recipe as is with pork as you intended once I have replenished my dwindling pantry.
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