And your favorite hot dog is?

Post season play in baseball is on the near horizon. Always a good time to be thinking about encased meats. My own personal favorite is Chicago style, "dragged through the garden"
What ballpark or dirt water dog will you be eating during the playoffs and World Series?

  • Posted by: pierino
  • September 25, 2013


pierino September 27, 2013
Pegeen, the food historian in me would like to know the answer to that question but I don't have it. I'm not from Chicago but I loved the city from the first time I set foot in it (unlike Dallas which I continue to hate. You would have to poke me in the eye with a stick to get me to go back there). Chicago has its own unique and wonderful traditions and I take great joy every moment I spend there---unless I get shot. That could happen.
MTMitchell September 27, 2013
I've lived here for more than 10 years and the only answer I've ever been given to the question of why no ketchup is "because that's how we do it." I sometimes sneak it on anyway. I get away with it as a non-native. People also feel very strongly about their Italian beef sandwiches. More variation is allowed there though (ie dipped or not, giardiniera or not).
Pegeen September 27, 2013
Wow, no ketchup? I can live without it myself, mustard is king. But it's hard to believe generations of six-year-olds haven't rioted and burned down the stadiums. Do you happen to know the history behind the "no ketchup" story?
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 27, 2013
My favorite dog is an all beef kosher dog (usually Hebrew National, Sabarett or in a pinch Nathan's), lightly toasted roll with ketchup and yellow mustard - yep, I said it, Ketchup!
pierino September 27, 2013
My problem with Nathan's is that where I live most of their brand is sold skinless. That's a hot dog atrocity. You need that "snap" when the skin breaks, which is why I like Gray's when I'm in New York.
As to ketchup, I think the ward bosses in Chicago enforce the rule of no ketchup within a half mile of any hot dog establishment. You won't find it at Wrigley or Comiskey. If you ask the server will just cross his arms and shake his head.
sfmiller September 27, 2013
Being part of the Michigan Diaspora, I'll have a coney with onions and mustard while cheering on the Tigers. But that's actually my second-favorite hot dog, the first being a loaded-up Sonoran (wrapped in bacon, with refried beans, guacamole, crema, pickled jalapenos, and the hottest salsa on the cart).
pierino September 27, 2013
Now the Sonoran dog, wow! That is uniquely Mexican. I'm surprised the Dodgers didn't work it in during the years of Fernando-mania. It's such a degenerate idea that I love it. I don't drink much beer but a bacon wrapped dog with a Corona on the side can't bad, can it?
Pegeen September 27, 2013
littleman, fun read. Next time I'm lost in northern NJ will definitely look for Rutt's Hut.
littleman September 26, 2013
Just came across this and it seemed interesting as of a few days ago:
littleman September 25, 2013
Anything from Top Dog in Berkeley, CA.
amysarah September 25, 2013
Not baseball driven, but a hot dog at Katz's deli, with spicy mustard and sauerkraut. Don't even try to argue. On a different wavelength: the hot dog special at Westville (W. 10th or W. 18th, probably the other branch too) - a choice of 2 Niman Ranch or Hebrew National dogs with fries, salad or a veg side du jour. One of the best deals around and super delicious.
ZombieCupcake September 25, 2013 The only hotdog I will eat :( so so far away.
inpatskitchen September 25, 2013
Definitely The Coney for me:
Pegeen September 25, 2013
And what, pray tell, is disagreeable about a hot dog from Coney Island? New York City includes Brooklyn. :-) I lived close to the Gray's at 72nd & Bway for many years and was a loyal customer. I can't explain why, but Nathan's are better. Maybe it's the Coney Island sand condiment or the ride on the Cyclone.
And you can buy Nathan's nationally.

If I'm going to eat encased meat - as someone here called it - the best is Hallo Berlin's bratwurst or weisswurst. It's not a hot dog - it's wurst. They had a lunch cart at 54th & 5th, and a restaurant on 10th Ave in the 40s. Awesome.
MTMitchell September 25, 2013
Vienna Chicago style minus the celery salt and onions, or a brat, grilled onions, or one of the really good foot-longs from the super secret hotdog stand near the upper levels on the south-ish side of Wrigley. Oh wait, that would necessitate the Cubs making it to the post-season. I'll stick with the first two.
pierino September 25, 2013
True, neither the North Side nor the South Side will be going to the post season. But Hot Doug's on the North Side will still be open just a mile or so away from Wrigley
Maedl September 25, 2013
I ate so many hot dogs (dyed as red as could be) as a kid and now they don’t appeal to me. For some reason, I think American hot dogs contain a seasoning that I don’t like, because I’ve had Frankfurters here in Germany that taste just fine. Can’t imagine what the seasoning is because there are not many spices that I dislike. And there are very few sausages that I don’t like.
pierino September 25, 2013
Even though I spent half my life in LA (and I am a Dodger fan)I've always thought the Dodger Dog was a sissy dog. It might be a foot long but it doesn't taste like anything. For me the "gold standard" in terms of raw material is the Vienna Beef frank. Backup, Hebrew National all beef, kosher.
Pegeen September 25, 2013
Nathan's, ftw!
pierino September 25, 2013
Nathan's is a Coney Island dog. For NYC I'm more inclined to go with Gray's Papaya. I just like the "snap" better. I love hot dogs.
vvvanessa September 25, 2013
My encased-meat-eating habits don't revolve around baseball, but I just had two Boccalone mortadella dogs for breakfast with pickled onions and spicy mustard. I wish I could do this every morning, but for several reasons I can't, including the fact that Boccalone only makes the dogs during baseball season.
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