What do you do with leftover egg whites (4) when you make a recipe that uses only the egg yolks?
lapadiaSeptember 16, 2010
2 egg whites = an egg, so you can use them in any other recipe calling for eggs. I also like the freezing idea.
luvcookbooksSeptember 15, 2010
I think it's an opportunity to make an Angel Pie. It's a meringue pie shell filled with chocolate and topped with whipped cream. The best recipe I've seen is in Lora Brody's Growing Up on the Chocolate Diet.
elizabeth627September 14, 2010
I freeze them until I have enough for a brown sugar or lemon angel food cake.
mnr_tSeptember 13, 2010
Forgotten Cookies! Easy, keep for ages, and fun. Drbabs has a good recipe on food52; mine uses a bit less sugar and no nuts. Peppermints smashed are good in it too!
dymnynoSeptember 12, 2010
Meringue... Make shells for filling... They will keep in a large tupperwaRe container for a long time.
phyllisSeptember 12, 2010
Egg white omelet or your can freeze for later use.
FoodelfSeptember 12, 2010
Meringue shells for filling w/fruit or pavlova. Egg whites freeze really well; just remember to mark how many there are on the container, though.
drbabsSeptember 12, 2010
Egg white omelet for my always dieting friends. Meringue cookies. I made a spinach casserole with leftover egg whites that's posted at the site, too.
gingerrootSeptember 12, 2010
You can use one to bind a rice crust for a quiche - lapadia has a great, easy recipe on food52.
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