Anchovies - shelf life

I'm going to take some advice read here and buy a jar of Spanish or Italian anchovies packed in a glass jar in olive oil. Once I open it (and put it in the fridge), about how long will they last? Just trying to get a sense of how many things I should make with anchovies, how quickly. Thanks.

(And I think I'm going to start an anchovy farm that sells them in twos or fours.)

  • Posted by: Pegeen
  • October 28, 2013
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Greenstuff October 28, 2013 says that they'll last a couple of months, but I know I've kept them much longer. They deteriorate in quality, getting mushy, before they become a health hazard. Of course, you could freeze them in twos or fours. Or but the salt packed.
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