I have a large quantity of homemade tomato sauce (peeled tomatoes, garlic, onion, s+p, olive oil, basil, bay) staring at me in the fridge. I need some ideas beyond my usual pasta and pizza. Any suggestions?



mrslarkin December 17, 2010
Whoa, thanks for all the great ideas, guys!
betteirene December 17, 2010
Cioppino. . .gosh, that sounds really, really good right now. Even though I won't be able to afford it until the payday after Christmas, thanks for the idea, nutcakes.

susan G. December 16, 2010
This is a great breakfast/brunch/supper dish -- if you want to redirect your sauce to an Israeli - North African - Middle East application.
RavensFeast December 16, 2010
Whenever it stares at me in the fridge, I warm a little bit up in a saucepan, fry up some eggs, then spoon it over them. So darn good.
anyone December 16, 2010
Briase some pork spare ribs in it. Serve with the sauce over pasta after braising. My favorite! But, brown up the ribs first under the broiler or however you wish.
nutcakes December 16, 2010
Cioppino? SF style Fish Stew. Would make a nice Holiday meal. Make garlic bread for dunking.
Nora December 16, 2010
Nothing inspires the Picklers like the thought of homemade tomato sauce. If you've got vodka and cream, I'd go in that direction. Maybe with some homemade pasta.
hardlikearmour December 16, 2010
How about something like this: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Herbed-Crepes-with-Ricotta-Green-Bell-Pepper-and-Spring-Tomato-Sauce-11763 though you could certainly switch up the filling. I also wonder if you could add some of your beloved Pernod to it and figure out something amazing to make.
vvvanessa December 16, 2010
lasagna uses up a lot of sauce and freezes well. baked eggs in tomato sauce are great for any meal. you could also turn it into soup by whizzing it with a blender and adding in cream or milk. a big, fat, cheesy crouton on top wouldn't hurt either.
aargersi December 16, 2010
the eggplant parm on this site uses a lot and it is DEEElicious! How about breakfast (I had intended to enter something like this) saute peppers and onions, add that sauce and maybe some fresh herbs, crack a few eggs over it and top with parmesan and pop it in the oven to cook the eggs. I love that with good crusty bread ... pesto is tasty in there too if you have some.
VanessaS December 16, 2010
Eggplant parmesan?
usuba D. December 16, 2010
When it stops staring and starts talking, its time to take a vacation!
iuzzini December 16, 2010
Sautee green beans in garlic and olive oil. Top with tomato sauce. Enjoy. :) I frequently pack this for lunch.

nutcakes December 16, 2010
Chicken Caccitore?
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