I would like to win my office's holiday finger food competition. What sweet or savory seasonal item should I make? Thanks!

There will be prizes in these categories: best seasonal, best alternative (vegan, gluten free, etc.), best holiday theme, and overall favorite. The items should be good cold as they will be served in the middle of the workday. Thank you for your advice!

  • Posted by: Ginia
  • November 26, 2014


ATG117 November 28, 2014
Echo the suggestions below. Would also add the bacon wrapped apricots on this site. You can also make a stuffed date. It's simple, but always delicious.
cookinginvictoria November 28, 2014
Do you want to look through the entries for this contest as well? Your best hors-d-oeuvre: hhttps://food52.com/contests/349-your-best-hors-d-oeuvre There were some great recipes submitted. The community picks are listed here: https://food52.com/blog/9357-community-picks-hors-d-oeuvre
Greenstuff November 28, 2014
You might check out this past contest--your best one-bite party snack
AntoniaJames November 28, 2014
Great idea, Greenstuff! ;o)
Michele November 28, 2014
I once made samosas which were a little time consuming but were really good and all my colleagues said they were the hit at the party as they were so different. In my experience anything that is a savory little package is devoured quickly. I would suggest wontons, samosas or spring rolls.
nancy E. November 27, 2014
Pumpkin, sage and walnut Rugelach are an awesome addition to any party. The reipe is on Food52 but I have no idea how to add it here.
Greenstuff November 28, 2014
SKK November 27, 2014
Your question seems to be inviting all of us to do your homework. If you want to win the competition, my recommendation is to interview your colleagues about what they like and find recipes based on that.
J November 26, 2014
pigs in blanket

Voted the Best Reply!

Kristen M. November 26, 2014
I love these -- they're sweet and savory and unexpected: https://food52.com/recipes/8010-fig-and-blue-cheese-savouries
Ginia November 26, 2014
Thanks, they look great!
AntoniaJames November 26, 2014
Yes, everyone loves those. You can change up the jam, too. Quince is particularly nice. ;o)
arcane54 November 27, 2014
Truly amazing savory-sweet bites (IF there any left to take to the office!).
amysarah November 29, 2014
I love these. I made them last week, adding a little minced fresh sage in the dough and used pumpkin butter on top (from Trader Joe's - good stuff.) Tasty and seasonal.
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