Cookies for fundraiser question.

I have been asked to make cookies for a fundraiser dinner for a friend of a friend. There will be about 100 people. I would like to mix the doughs this coming weekend, freeze it and then bake the next weekend.
I have never frozen baked cookies so not sure I want to try it at this time. Afraid they would get soggy when they thaw.
I am thinking about 12 dozen of the following kinds - Chocolate chip, Cinnamon Sticks, Lemon Shortbread, Chocolate Shortbread, Vanilla Shortbread and a Butter Sprinkle. These all freeze well, have not tried to freeze the Butter Sprinkle so will probably make that one the day of baking.
What I am wondering is if 12 dozen will be enough? And does anyone have any recipes that they have frozen successfully. I was going to make Anginettes but not sure if I will be able to frost them the night before they have to be delivered.

Lucia from Madison


keg72 February 16, 2015
I loved the buffet mentality comment above and agree with it. It's conceivable that a person might feel compelled to try all of the options. A cookie that is different than those you've listed that I've baked and then frozen with great success is these Ginger Spiced Molasses Cookies. The only thing I do that's different than the recipe is to roll them in larger grained sugar so that they have a little crystally crunch.
Lucia F. February 16, 2015
Thank you for the suggestions. I just heard that there will also be a large sheet cake.
jilhil February 16, 2015
What a nice thing you are doing here!

If your cookies are the only dessert you may run into that weird buffet mindset that causes normally rational people to eat excessive amounts of food just because it is there and they feel cheated if they don't get to try everything. Because of that I second the suggestion to have at least 16 dozen cookies. You may also want to reduce the number of different kinds of cookies you serve because you're less likely to have people wanting to try one of each kind.

If you end up with extra cookies at the end of the event you can auction them off to increase the fund raiser revenue.

AntoniaJames February 16, 2015
I frequently make almond butter oatmeal cookie dough, chill the entire bowl in the fridge for about half an hour, then use a dough scoop to make half-spheres which I put on a large parchment-lined baking sheet, as many as I can fit. Then I freeze the scoops on the tray. Once they're frozen solid, I put them in a box in layers with squares of parchment or plastic wrap, and then freeze for later baking. I usually take them out and put them on a parchment lined baking sheet, spaced for baking, about 1/2 hour before baking, to let them defrost a bit, though that isn't entirely necessary. My recipe benefits from flattening the scoops a bit, which is easier to do when they're not frozen hard. ;o) P.S. You are such a nice friend, to be doing this!
JulieS February 16, 2015
I have had great success baking and freezing large batches of cookies. Once baked I'd layer them between sheets of wax paper in a large fish tub (obtained from my local Whole Foods), wrap in Saran and freeze. The secret is defrosting the tub fully wrapped so that any condensation stays on the outside and doesn't effect the cookies. My other hints are that any cookies you can scoop, can be rolled into a log for "slice and bake " cookies and bar cookies are a dream as well. Two of my favorites are from Maida Heatter, Palm Beach Brownie with Chocolate covered mints ( I omit the walnuts) and Pecan Passions. Both a huge hit that can be cut into small squares or triangles.
Lucia F. February 16, 2015
Oh I just checked out that Palm Beach Brownie. That will be added to this list. Just have to figure out how many I will get from the recipe. thank you for this suggestion!
Nancy February 16, 2015
Are the cookies the only dessert? If yes make about 16 doz so there's a minimum of 2 per person. If other desserts, keep to Your 12 doz, or even reduce #. Other cookie dough that freezes well include peanut butter or oatmeal cookies. What thawing? take from freezer to over, bake.
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