Thoughts on Cuban style mojo ribs
I'm dying to try to make a cubano sandwich, but i want to use the ribs that have been sitting in my freezer for a few weeks. I know cubans usually start with pork shoulder so do you guys think I can use my ribs in a mojo marinade instead? I plan on using my slow cooker which i've used only a few much liquid needs to go in the slow cooker? i don't want to braise tie ribs but i want to get that cuban mojo flavour in there...
but if I want them like "Chinese Ribs" - not falling off bone then I go high 375 until they reach temp
But if you want them falling off the bone I would wrap tightly in tin foil place in a baking dish and cook about 3-4 hours depends on the size of the rack and your oven at 250, then unwrap, drain and cook another hour or so or so at 350 basting & turning them, to finish them off run under hot broiler for a few minutes.
A slow cooker will braise your ribs, if you want a different texture then cook them in the oven-
To get really fabulous flavor de-frost them in a brine with "cuban" flavor (garlic, onion, bay leaves, sour orange- or 2:1 orange/lime) over night them dry them off really , rub with black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder ( or use low salt Adobo seasoning) -- cook in oven on a bed of onions and baste with mojo marinade.
This is bobby flay's chipotle mayo recipe. I add some OJ concentrate and minced garlic to mine.
flavor going on. I would just make a mojo and dress the ribs once they are on the bread.
Buen Provecho